Securing Kibana and ElasticSearch in multi-user and High availability environment
Kibana and ElasticSearch:
- Open-sourced monitoring tools developed by Elastic
- ElasticSearch is a lucene based scalable search engine.
- Elasticsearch is a real-time distributed and open source document based, full-text search and analytics engine
- Kibana is a visualization tool for ElasticSearch and provides a web interface with variety ways of visualization.
Current Challenge with Open source
- Kibana and ElasticSearch lack access control feature
- Multiple users/groups use single Kibana and ElasticSearch
- Any user can access to all ElasticSearch data
There is no in-built Access and Authorization solution available
Implementing the Solution
Some security features are now free with the basic version, but there are few security related issues still open
The new version contains below security features
- TLS for encrypted communications
- File and native realm for creating and managing users
- Role-based access control for controlling user access to cluster APIs and indexes; also allows multi-tenancy for Kibana with security for Kibana Spaces
Implementing security feature like Authorized access, restricting anonymous access
Shield –
- Security plugin developed by the same company that developed Elasticsearch
- Easily protect this data with a username and password while simplifying your architecture
- Advanced security features like encryption, role-based access control, IP filtering, and auditing are also available
Open source web server, act as a proxy server and can do load balancing, among other things. In combination with LUA and external scripts, it can be used for securing Elasticsearch and Kibana.
Searchguard -
Open source alternative for Shield, provides almost all the same functionalities as Shield, except for some features like LDAP authentication. However, these features are available in the paid variant.
Restricting Kibana Dashboard
Issue –
All user’s dashboards are stored in the same index
Create role based index,
for example, user01 — Create .kibana_user01 index & user02 .kibana_user02
Also group based Kibana index separation